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AGC of Utah Meets With Governor Cox on Industry Issues

Governor Spencer Cox met with Association Leaders from the Associated General Contractors of Utah (AGC) and the Utah Home Builders Association (HBA) to discuss pressing issues within the commercial construction and homebuilding industries. After attending six other similar meetings that day, the Utah Governor opened the meeting by relaying the message that he and his team are putting forth efforts to get off of Capital Hill and out into the public. With just an hour to cover many pressing industry issues, Governor Cox was able to convey his take on several of them.

From HBA association leaders the most common concern brought up during the discussion was the struggle the contractors themselves are facing in trying to obtain permits, material costs, and cities not being held accountable for their lack of effort in their duties. Governor Cox agreed that there were issues within the building process that stemmed from cities and counties not having consequences for not completing tasks in acceptable timeframes.

On the AGC side of the discussion contractors shared some of the same concerns, but also asked the Governor about whether rising interest rates would defer bonding of capital projects. The Governor replied that although he doesn’t see an interest in bonding for capital projects this year due to the projected increase of one-time funding that will be available this year, projects will continue to move forward with many them not requiring barrowing. Continuing with the commercial side of the discussion, the question was asked how the State was helping allocate IIJA funds and how contractors can help their clients tap into that money. Governor Cox turned to one of his staff members, Gordon Larson, to supply a website the State has set up to help contractors track IIJA funds. This tracker can be found here:

A common theme of concern between the two association representatives was the concern about the lack of workforce in the industry. The Governor responded to these concerns by stating that we need to bring education and work together to help young adults learn about their potential careers early on by highlighting pathway programs, CTE classes, and apprenticeship programs. Hitting on the impact that immigration has on the industry, Governor Cox suggested that Utah needs legal immigration to continue to build and grow the economy.

Governor Cox ended the meeting conveying the message that Utah needs builders of stuff and people.


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